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Our sign
The signatureLEUS LEGAL was established in Costa Rica, in view of the desire to provide personalized service to clients, at a national and international level, who require support and resolution on issues related to Tax, Business, Registry and Notarial Law, as well as other legal areas (Labor, Transit , Judicial Collections, among others).
NameLEUS LEGAL comes from the creative result of the effort to represent the signature, each word means the following:LEUS, is a set of words both in the field of services and in the meaning of the Firm; These words link the Spanish language with the mother languages of Law, that is, Greek and Latin. Therefore “leus” is deduced from: Justice, Consulting, Equality, Law, Consulting, Taxes, Business, Law, Notary and Tax.
On the other hand LEGAL, clearly represents the main work of the firm itself, dedicated to different branches and services directly related to Law.
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